The "Finger-and-Fist" teaching model in functional anatomy of the extraocular muscles
Hongxi Wang, Gehan Ai, Xin Tan, Binyao Chen
Dear Editor,
The intricate functional anatomy of the extraocular muscles (EOMs) has long been a challenge for medical students. Previously, the "Hand as Foot" teaching method been designed to illustrate the spatial arrangement of the EOMs.1,2 Besides, other researchers have employed the limb teaching method to show the coordinated actions of yoke muscles at six cardinal positions of gaze.3 However, these methods only offered superficial analogies for memorization, with limited insight into the interplay between structure, function, and clinical relevance.
Recently, building on the "Hand as Foot" analogy, we have introduced a "finger-and-fist" model to comprehensively elucidate the EOMs' anatomy, actions, and cardinal positions of gaze. In this model, the extended index finger of one hand symbolizes one specific EOM, while the clenched fist of the other hand represents the ipsilateral eyeball, with palm facing down. The various eye movements—elevation, depression, adduction, abduction, intorsion, and extorsion—are mimicked by dorsiflexion, flexion, adduction, and abduction of the wrist, as well as pronation and supination of the forearm, respectively. The distal transverse arch passing through the metacarpophalangeal joints symbolizes the eyeball's equator.
In teaching practice, we use the index finger to trace the EOMs, intuitively demonstrating the vector orthogonal decomposition of muscular action. For instance, the superior rectus (SR) extends forward, inserting into the sclera anterior to the equator at an angle of 23° to the visual axis in the primary position (Figure 1A). The SR's primary action (elevation) is determined by its major vector component along the visual axis (cos 23°), which pulls the anterior segment upwards. The minor component, perpendicular to the visual axis (sin 23°), rotates the upper part of the eyeball medially and pulls the anterior segment inwards, inducing intorsion and adduction. Similarly, the inferior oblique (IO) originates from the nasal orbital floor, courses posterolaterally, and inserts into the posterior sclera at an angle of 51° to the visual axis (Figure 1B). The major component, perpendicular to the visual axis (sin 51°), rotates the lower part of the eyeball medially and pulls the posterior segment inwards, inducing extorsion and abduction, while the minor component (cos 51°) pulls the posterior segment downwards, facilitating the elevation of the eyeball.
The "finger-and-fist" model also effectively illustrates the cardinal positions of gaze by manipulating the fist into adducted or abducted positions. In adduction, the visual axis aligns almost parallel to the IO but perpendicular to the SR (Figure 1C), allowing the IO to function as a pure and independent elevator. Thus, underelevation in adduction indicates an IO palsy. Conversely, in abduction, the visual axis aligns almost parallel to the SR but perpendicular to the IO, enabling the SR to act as a pure elevator with the IO exerting minimal vertical action (Figure 1D). Consequently, underelevation in abduction suggests an SR palsy.
This simple teaching method aims to provide a vivid representation of the complex and abstract functional anatomy of the EOMs. Future studies will assess the pedagogical efficacy of this model in medical education.
通知类别:教育科学研究 撰稿人:眼科中心王泓熹 审核人:教务处
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